Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Man Asked Me To Be His Mistress

I recently went to a local bar to grab a drink with a few of my friends. While waiting for the bartender to make my Malibu Bay Breeze, the man next to me started talking to me (about my hair, of course). I humored him for a few minutes, listening to what profession he’s in and how old he is (in his forties). That’s when things got interesting.
“So, listen, I have a lot of money and I’m bored with my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love my beautiful kids and my wife, but I’m looking for someone on the side.”
I sat there, jaw dropped, staring at this guy, waiting for him to say, “Just kidding.”

Anthroposophic Medicine

Anthroposophic therapies are based in fundamental Homeopathy and the Alchemy of healing plants and natural organisms which have proven very effective for treating digestive and reproductive disorders. Recently, anthroposophical therapy has been widely publicized for their efficacy in the treatment of certain Cancers.

First steps taken for regenerating whole limbs

More than 1.5 million Americans have lost a limb. Prosthetic limbs have greatly advanced in function and appearance, but the authors of the new paper acknowledge that the devices still have many limitations.
Some patients over the past 20 years have received hand transplants from donors, but this procedure comes attached with lifelong risks from immunosuppressive therapy.
This problem could be solved by using the patient's own progenitor cells to regenerate the tissue for a new limb - rather than rely on a donor - but an appropriate matrix or scaffold has yet to be devised on which scientists would be able to grow the new tissue.
"The composite nature of our limbs makes building a functional biological replacement particularly challenging," explains senior author Dr. Harald Ott, of the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Surgery and the Center for Regenerative Medicine.
Dr. Ott continues:
"Limbs contain muscles, bone, cartilage, blood vessels, tendons, ligaments and nerves - each of which has to be rebuilt and requires a specific supporting structure called the matrix. We have shown that we can maintain the matrix of all of these tissues in their natural relationships to each other, that we can culture the entire construct over prolonged periods of time, and that we can repopulate the vascular system and musculature."
In animal models, Dr. Ott and colleagues have previously been able to regenerate kidneys, livers, hearts and lungs, using a detergent solution to strip living cells from the donor organ, which is then repopulated with appropriate progenitor cells.
However, the new study represents the first use of this technique to engineer a bioartificial limb, which is more complex.

Cellular material was stripped from the limbs of dead rats, but nerve matrix was preserved

In deceased rats, the researchers stripped away the cellular material from the animals' forelimbs over the course of 1 week, but preserved the primary vasculature and nerve matrix. This remaining material provided a structure for all of the composite tissues required by the limb.
This forelimb matrix was then populated by cultures of muscle and vascular cells in a bioreactor. The vascular cells were injected into the main artery of the limb, in an effort to regenerate veins and arteries. The progenitor cells, meanwhile, were injected into sheaths in the matrix that define muscle positions.
The limb was electrically stimulated after 5 days to encourage muscle formation. After 2 weeks, the limb was removed from the bioreactor. The researchers found that the electrical stimulation caused the new muscle fibers to contract with a strength that was 80% that of a newborn rat.
When the forelimbs were transplanted into recipient rats, blood quickly began to circulate in the new limb, and when the muscles within the graft were stimulated electrically, the wrists and digital joints of the rats' paws flexed appropriately.
The team also decellularized baboon forearms successfully, which the authors claim confirms the feasibility of using the technique on a scale similar to human patients.
However, the researchers still face the challenge of reintegrating the regrown nerves of a regenerated limb into the recipient's nervous system.
"In clinical limb transplantation, nerves do grow back into the graft, enabling both motion and sensation, and we have learned that this process is largely guided by the nerve matrix within the graft," Dr. Ott says.
Dr. Ott hopes that the same logic will apply to bioartificial grafts. Next, the team will attempt muscle regeneration using human cells, before expanding the process to human bone, cartilage and connective tissue.

10 mini-rituals that can help you fall asleep fast

Didn’t manage to fall asleep and suffered from tiredness the day after? You are not alone. The good news are that doing a few mini-rituals about an hour before bed can help you fall asleep faster.

We spend about third of our lives sleeping, All the researches done in the last decade show that its vital and important to our mental and physical health, thinking process, managing all the things we learned during the day and more. interfering with the sleeping process means a big blow to the quality of your life.
20%-30% of people will suffer from insomnia in some stage of their lives, and the same number will need the help of medicine to sleep properly.
About 5% of the population suffer from moving-leg syndrome while sleeping, more than 7% suffer from sleep apnea, and the number of people suffering from snoring is even higher.
Even though some say its useless to catch up on sleep and complete missing sleeping hours, researches proved that the body actually remembers the shortage. Missing hours of sleep not only cause tiredness in the next day, but high risks for high blood pressure, road accidents and even depression.
What can you do to help you fall asleep faster? Here are the 10 commandments for good sleep:
1. Shorten your time in bed
Be in bed only near sleeping time. If you cant fall asleep – Get out of bed, make yourself busy in a calm activity and only come back to bed when you are ready to sleep.
2. Darken your room
Long and steady sleep, for most of us, requires complete darkness. Be sure to close all of the windows and curtains.

3. Get rid of noise
A ticking clock and a working radio might make falling asleep harder to do. If you can’t overcome the noise from outside, use ear-plugs, close the windows and your bedroom.
4. Avoid exercise before bed
Physical workout raises the adrenaline levels and will make falling asleep a hard task.
5. Eat an early dinner
Give up on heavy meals before bed.
6. Avoid caffeine 4 hours before sleep
Coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and other products with caffeine will prevent you from going into deeper sleep.

7. Give up alcohol late at night
Drinking wine might make you drowsy, but the breakdown products of alcohol have stimulating effect.
8. Keep the same sleeping and waking up hours
Changing these times might disturb you from falling asleep. Many people who sleep in on saturday have trouble falling asleep at night and waking up on sunday.
9. Don’t sleep during the day
Sleeping at noon will postpone the time it takes to fall asleep, will make waking up in the morning much harder and make you feel tired all day long.
10. Be careful of sleeping aid
Most of them will make us depended on them after a long use and will prevent us from falling asleep without them.

12 Interesting Facts About Dogs

You might think that you know all there is to know about your dog, but trust me, there’s a lot you haven’t yet heard. The following are 10 interesting facts about dogs you probably haven’t heard before.

1. The fact that a dog is wagging his tail, doesn’t always mean that he is in a good mood. In fact, it could mean the exact opposite – it might mean that he is about to attack somebody.
2. If you’d live in Iran, the law wouldn’t allow you to have a dog as a pet. Owning a hunting or guard dog, though, is still okay.
3. One can estimate his dog’s life expectancy by viewing the dog’s facial features – dogs with long, sharp faces intend to live longer than those who have a more flat face.
4. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white, the black spots start to appear when they are about three weeks old.
5. While many of healthy human foods are just as good for dogs as they are for us humans, there are a few things we eat that are dangerous for dogs to eat. Even as little as a few grapes or raisins can be lethal for a dog. Nuts, onions, garlic, and anything containing caffeine are also on the top of the list of things you should never feed your dog. Also, while, in moderate quantities, it’s good for dogs to eat apples and other fruits, the seeds of apples and most other fruits contain poisonous cyanide, which is not that harmful for us humans, but in large quantities can be lethal for dogs.
6. Not all dogs can bark. The Basenji – a small hunting dog – is a dog who sings or yodels rather than barks.
facts dogs
7. Dogs do not only have an amazing sense of smell, but they can hear rather well too. In fact, they can hear sounds from up to 4 times farther away than us, and hear some sounds we do not hear at all.
8. There are over 75 million dogs in The United States, and over 400 million dogs in the world. The United States is on the top of the list of countries with most pet dog population, followed by Brazil and China.
9. Greyhounds, the fastest dogs in the world, can run at a speed up to 45 mph.
facts dogs
10. George Washington owned 36 foxhounds at once. It might sound like a lot because it is a lot, but it’s far from a record. The most dogs ever owned by one person were 5000 Mastiffs by Kubla Khan.
11. According to research by animal psychologists, the average dog is as smart as the average two-year-old human child. Dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures, count up to 5 and perform some basic mathematical calculations. In Moscow, Russia, some stray dogs have even learned to use the subway. In search for food, the stray dogs use the subway to travel from less populated areas to more populated areas.
12. Dogs do not like to be hugged. In fact, while us human take hugging as a sign of affection or love, dogs interpret hugging as a sign of dominance.

This line in the buffet some have, some do not. Here's what it means to love your destiny!

This line in the buffet some have, some do not.  Here's what it means to love your destiny!

If you care about what you will be romantic, you see a circle of Venus. Learn what means this line from the buffet and what you prepared fate.

Some people in the buffet, under the middle finger and ring finger, form the county line. The region can be closed, so that makes the circle, while there may be many circles. This is called Venus or generation circuit of love, reports Telegraph.
Do not grieve immediately unless you have this line at the buffet, because it also does not bring anything particularly well, but more of marks people who are emotionally sensitive, meaning people who are tend to love problems.
If Venus circuit is closed, ie complete, this means that the person will experience various disappointments in love. If you have this circuit, it is better that they do not take disappointments fatal, but as lectures.
Each must learn some tough lessons in life, your problems are already love character.
If it online is in the form of gjysmëqarkut, then this means that in a period of life the person will love problems, but will not pass and will come out of them.
If there are more regions, this means that the person is simply too emotional and sensitive and can rarely know how to face his sensiblitetin specific.

Coca-Colas effects after 60 minutes in our body

Coca-Colas effects after 60 minutes in our body

Coca-Cola is a beverage that is considered as very harmful for our body. In a study conducted by Turkish scholar Xhanan Karatay, which highlights the damage that causes a glass of Coca-Cola for 60 minutes.

Researcher has listed some major problems come from the consumption of this drink, such as;
In 10 minutes prior to consummation of drinking, your blood absorbs 10 teaspoon of sugar, an amount 100 times greater than normal measures that our body needs.
In the first 20 minutes, the drink increases the level of sugar in the blood, causing the pancreas to produce more insulin and excess sugar begins to be deposited in the form of fat in the liver.
After 40 minutes, we note that all the caffeine has now entered the market, this is a process that makes us blood pressure rises and more sugar produced by the liver that goes back to the blood and increases the level of sugar.
While after 60 minutes by the time we drink Coca-Cola have created a feeling of hunger. So there is a need of eating and you will again drink Coca-Cola and eat cakes.
Obviously this is a drink which we must be careful if we are to have a healthy body.